Your Anchor Line…
It’s time to grow. You’ve decided that you're ready to level up your game. You’ve just been inspired by a “guru” and now you’re motivated to make a change.
You’re tired of where you are and your vessel is fueled up and ready to go. Time to floor it!... Full thrusters in a new direction.
Quickly…. reality pulls you back.
You do a quick walk-around and notice the anchor line.
The anchor line is holding you tight. The anchor line is that mean voice in your head that says you’re not enough.
Your ability to execute is stopped by the anchor line. You can read another book, go to another rah-rah seminar to learn new tactics so you can mush the gas, only to be pinned down by the level of self-worth you’ve created. Self-worth you’ve created through your experiences and the meaning you gave them.
Your anchor line is likely well-tested and strong… It’s been there for a while. Maybe it’s time to cut it…
Pro Tip: Your journey to healthy self-worth can’t be traveled alone.