
In the marketing world, attribution is something that must be tracked closely.  Dedicating ad spend and blindly hoping it converts is a quick way to burn cash. Knowing where the sales are coming from is a matter of analyzing data.

Living in the business environment makes it easy to assume it will also work in relationships. Studying data (outcomes) is a long way from the reality of someone’s motives.  Trying to get into someone else’s head to figure out why they did or didn’t do something is a fundamental attribution error.  

Coming to conclusions with your guesses is assumicide.

Pro Tip: If you think someone is being malicious or careless, ask them directly.  Say something like “I get the impression you were late to the meeting because you don’t see it as important…is that true?”  \

Saying nothing and resenting them is chickenshit.


Thank You Mr. Perfectionist


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