Behind The Bananas

Imagine a good friend invites you to the lake. You love the lake almost as much as your friendship.

He likes having you along because you know how to back a trailer. Launching the boat is a choreographed dance of precise actions. Everyone will be watching in awe.

As the weekend approaches, the text convo about the perfect weather and the new wakeboard is bolstering anticipation. You’re both pumped. As your pulling out your swim trunks your wife reminds you about brunch with her mother. The blood drops out of our head.

What will you say? You panic and tell him you have the flu.

The disappointment and guilt is palpable. Your wife sends you on a grocery run to grab some veggies for the casserole and

You dive behind the bananas before he sees you and you stay there for a few minutes regretting your fake flu.

Owning your mistakes is hard but people pleasing is harder.


Social Media Is A Waste


"You Didn't Build That..."