Don’t Do It

Seeking wisdom is a good thing as long as you don’t make it the most important thing.  Reading, studying, and seeking wisdom will get you knowledge.  

Knowledge = Smart and Smart = Success…right?  

This notion is one reason our culture normalizes large amounts of debt in exchange for a degree.  We all know super smart people who struggle to make it.  Misapplied or latent knowledge will get you nowhere fast without a strategy.

A strategy worth consideration is finding people who already have what you are looking for and it’s usually not your professor. Mimicking the actions of top performers works better than reinventing the wheel. (I checked)

Emulating what successful people DO will get you a long way but there is a secret catch.  A catch that will keep you from their level.  

Because their level is achieved by what they DON’T DO.


I Don’t Know

