Advice on Advice

Giving advice obligates.  It puts the receiver in a precarious spot.  Do I take the advice? Do I blow it off? Do I debate the input?

The advice giver feels confident he’s helping. He’s “been there done that” and allegedly knows what he’s talking about.  

Advice Starts with:

  • You should…

  • Why don’t you…

  • Have you ever thought about…

  • You need to…

  • Just…

A more generative approach is to hear them out, empathize, and tell a short parallel story. Your input is likely valuable to the situation but how you deliver it matters.

“In my experience…”

“One time I was in a similar situation and…”

Give space for them to arrive at their own answer instead of cornering them with your unsolicited input.


Simplify Stupid


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