Pet Thoughts

Thinking about something negative that just happened to you should be kept at bay.  Allowing the thought to become your pet is a tempting notion.  Playing the victim of a circumstance provides a litany of excuses and rationalizations.  

It can become a library of reasons for falling short of your best self.  A library curated by your ruminations.

People say you should just “let it go.”  That works for the benign things but what about the more painful things?  

Perhaps the solution is savoring.  

Searching for the beauty right in front of you dissolves rumination…..drinking in the sunset, the comfort of your favorite chair,  the giggles of a little one, or the way your dog greets you when you come home.  Savoring the small moments neutralizes the unhelpful thoughts from taking root.  Look for them…they’re everywhere.

Count your blessings.  It’s a better way to live.


“You can do anything if you set your mind to it.”


Old Man Strength