Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

Let's Dance

“My parents never fought growing up.”

As if it’s a badge of honor in marriage. Is that healthy? Is it the goal to not get emotional? While it’s true that non-emotion gives space for logic, (kind of important when designing a jet engine) it’s unsustainable in relationships. Unsustainable because we need real connection and real connection requires us to care. Acting like we don’t care or putting a silver lining on every situation is denial.

Reality will always hunt us down.

Some people claim to be unemotional which is denial. There is a difference between claiming no emotion and not having access. Access to and a healthy awareness of emotion is the path to getting unstuck.

This leaves us with two choices:

Deny or Dance.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

¿Move on?

When to “move on” is hard to determine. You’ve invested your heart and soul into the project, and the outcomes are less than optimal. Battling with when to quit causes cognitive dissonance.

The pain is temporary and quitting is forever “they say”. Never give up “they say”.

Who wants to be “that guy”? “That guy” “they say” that couldn’t hack it.

The combination of what “they” will think combined with your own sunk costs bias can be brutal.

In the midst of the storm ask yourself this question:

If I had the choice to start a project like this, knowing what I know presently, would I pull the trigger?

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch


Searching for patterns is a skill worth learning. Some see them easier than the rest of us. Patterns help us ask the right questions. Questions that help solve problems.

Patterns point to the rhythm. Rhythm is good if the song fits. The question is… does the song fit? Is it a song at all? Focusing on a few notes hides the pattern.

Allow the space to see if there is a pattern.

Then ask: Do I like the sound of the music? 

Does it help others?

Is the rhythm clearing the path or blocking it?

Asking questions about individual notes hides the solution and derails the groove.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

The Groove

Searching for patterns is a skill worth learning. Some see them easier than the rest of us. Patterns help us ask the right questions. Questions that help solve problems.

Patterns point to the rhythm. Rhythm is good if the song fits. The question is… does the song fit? Is it a song at all? Focusing on a few notes hides the pattern.

Allow the space to see if there is a pattern.

Then ask: Do I like the sound of the music? 

Does it help others?

Is the rhythm clearing the path or blocking it?

Asking questions about individual notes hides the solution and derails the groove.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch


There are all sorts of ways to make money. Hourly, transactionally, and passively.

Passively is by far the hardest unless Granny has land with gas royalties.

Hourly is the easiest. Easiest because you show up, do the work and get paid.

Transactionally is tricky because once you close a deal you’re unemployed until the next deal shows up. (Like flipping houses)

Some solve this by creating a business. A business is a system for generating transactions. Transactions are the lifeblood. If the system falters you’re out of business. Building a profitable business has a high failure rate but creates tremendous wealth if you can pull it off.

Building a business that pays you when you’re asleep or on vacation just means your system is awesome. Awesome because the transactions happen in a more automatic way.

(By the way, buying a franchise makes you a high paid manager... If you’re willing to give up margin, buy a a few cases, you can make a pile.)

Building it from scratch is super hard. If it wasn’t everyone would do it.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

Says Who?

When you get angry and say things you don’t mean… just know it’s normal. It’s normal because controlling your tongue is a little like grasping the wind. The things that come out of your mouth are connected to your heart and mindset. Your heart because life has layers. Your mind because layers create beliefs. 

When emotionally charged, we whisper, “don’t say it… don’t say it.” Then after a while… we “say it”. Saying it wasn’t what you wanted. Saying it is realizing for a second. The next time you blurt, take time to peel back the layers. 

Take a look at your heart and mind. It’s the reason you said it.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

Don't Feed The Lizard

The problem with anger is, our ability to use logic dissolves. Knowing this gives you an edge in life.

In a state of rage or fear, your body is in survival mode and the ability to think rationally is not accessible. Making decisions or solving happens in the frontal lobe of your brain. In a highly emotional state, your limbic system (lizard brain) is the boss. Not your rational self.

Your rational self doesn’t throw things or call people names.

Also...when someone is angry at you… it’s a warning signal. A signal that may not be about you at all. Give the person some space to cool off to regain access to their rational mind.

Telling someone to not get mad doesn’t help. They likely know they weren’t in their right mind. Pointing it out will only feed the lizard.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

We're Out of Balance!

Your body seeks homeostasis. Everything about our being seeks balance and doesn’t want to be disrupted or lose control.

Being out of balance for a season can be good for growth. It causes laser focus and solving. The other side of this challenge can create a new brand of clarity. Burning the midnight oil to solve can be just the anecdote for getting over the hump.

Being thrown out of balance for a bit can help dislodge pesky patterns.

Ironically, there is a paradox worth mentioning. The law of diminishing returns applies. Letting off the gas to recover a bit while out of balance is important.

You don’t want the hump to turn into a wall.

I believe in you.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

The Greatest Day

When something breaks, what happens? It’s worth noting that our world is winding down.

The body has a shelf life yet we fight to keep it going.

You say “damn it” when you cut your finger because now you have to recover. You do the steps: nurse, protect, and wait. Your finger may not be the same but you give it a chance.

We get the flu and we stay home to recover and protect others.

We tear our muscles in a workout and we take a break until the soreness subsides… or at least we should.

The universal truth is: things are breaking all around us. Bones, hearts, systems, societies. Maybe we should worry less about avoiding pain and more about recovery. Emotional recovery, physical recovery, economic recovery…

The constant “avoidance of pain” is a trap. Arguing with the pain causes more pain. Do everything in your power to make the waning world a better place and support recovery.

It’s the happiest operating system while we wait for the Greatest Day.

P.S. Click the link below to see some singers point to the Greatest Day.

Made me cry a little…

Click here to watch video.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

Common Current

When you’re trying to create something new, you’re going to feel a strong current. A current that will try to keep you going the same direction as everything else.

The current is common, and common is undeniably strong. So strong, most don’t even consider swimming against it.

The scariest part of the current is the hallway of haters. Haters that despise courage, that cringe at the uncommon or bold.

The second scariest part is what people will think when you hit an impasse and get sucked back into the common direction.

Creating a new thing requires resilience and strength. It turns out the muscles you need to get your creation into the world are built from “the last thing.”

“The last thing” that didn’t work.

You’ve got this!

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch


Confidence means you’ve had a little experience...just enough to know that the odds are in our favor. Confidence is about you and your inner structure.

Some have more than others.

Sometimes we lose it.

Enthusiasm is about others. Enthusiasm is contagious and can inspire. Enthusiasm comes from confidence and is contagious.

People need your confidence and enthusiasm is one of the best shipping methods.

When you’re running low on confidence spend time with the enthused ones. If you have plenty...don’t hoard your confidence with a stone face. Radiate through enthusiasm because when it’s provides much-needed oxygen for the less confident.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

The Bright Side

Looking at the bright side of everything causes misery. Having a truckload of silver linings to put on every dark cloud seems like a helpful move. But what about the storm she's in? Her reality is a blistering wind with sideways rain.

Telling her it all happens for a reason and the cup is half full is kinda mean. Mean because the reality is she’s wet and cold. Masking reality is not helpful.

True helpfulness is acknowledging the storm first. Acting like it’s only sunny slows progress because it isn’t true. Holding both positive and negative reality at the same time is where love lives.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

Zoom Tips

New to the WFH Video Call scene?

I wrote a few tips for you :)

1. You don't have to wear pants

I love the button down and boxers combo but don't be too casual because then you just look lazy. Be "you" just without pants.

2. Show Your Face

Lighting matters. Don't sit with a big ole window behind you. A little thought about lighting will go a long way. You don't want to look like one of those blacked-out people from a witness protection interview.

3. Silencio!

Mute yourself when you're not talking. Nothing worse than hearing your dog with a squeaky toy.

4. Don't Eat

It's not a lunch're not at a restaurant so skip the Nature Valley bar until after. No one wants to watch you manage the crumbs.

5. Don't look at you

When you're up and it's your time to talk, look at the camera so you aren't looking at you, looking at you. People will listen if you look at them.

6. Not your lap

Make sure you are framed properly. I know it's a laptop but set it on your desk. The angle is better and it will make you look sexier.

7. Alerts

If you are screen sharing turn off all your alerts. You don't want people to see how your spouse talks to you. Kill the ringer dingers on your phone too.

8. Be an actor

Act like you're paying attention. Nod your head and smile. You'll be tempted to read emails or check FB but if you do it to a "techy" meeting admin she'll know it. (I've been busted)

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

Long Play

Digging a well before you need water comes naturally to some and is hard for the rest of us. If we can stop grinding long enough to turn the lens for a wider view we’d see the need.

The small, consistent, daily activities have no flash. Flash is exciting, flash can be seen by “others” but the “others” have no interest in the boring daily micro-steps.

Steps that eventually create an overnight success.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

2 Trust

Who do you trust? Trust comes in two main forms. Relational and functional.

Functional is “what you see is what you get” and you can count on them. They are dependable, conscientious, timely, and do what they say they're going to do. In business, it’s expected, or at least it should be. With just a few interactions you can tell if someone is functionally trustworthy.

Relational trust is different. Different because it’s gated and more secure. It’s conditional, it has passwords, encryptions, combinations, hidden doors with hidden keys. Some people are more trusting with lower security but others have electric razor wire with warning signs (Do Not Enter.)

The relational trust firewall is dynamic and directly related to past pains. Access was given and it didn’t go well. So the password was changed and the locks re-keyed.

Trust boundaries are vital BUT if they are too rigid and void of grace, the isolation within the fortress is hell on earth.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch


Hunkering down might be the most efficient and generous thing to do.

The chaos is real and people need leadership. Not to minimize or dramatize but to be an anchor. Show others the upside of the hunker.

Somewhere between emotion and logic is wisdom. Calmly find the wisdom amidst the big picture and small details. Then, confidently lead others to that spot.

It’s your time to lead.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

Sh*t Show

Overwhelm is inevitable and will kill creativity if it’s perpetual. Perpetual overwhelm is a result of ineffectiveness. Ineffectiveness will inhibit deep work that matters. Finding the balance of efficiency and a healthy culture is where the “art” lives.

The quickest way to overcome perpetual overwhelm is NOT hiring another person to help. If you put the overwhelm on your helper, they will leave you. The overwhelm is yours to own. The effectiveness issue is on you.

If you’re unable to manage your own overwhelm, how will you coach a helper? They will sense the endless ineffectiveness and run for the hills.

Create your own structure to deal with it, find some relief, some space, THEN hire someone.

Why? Because no one wants to work in your sh*t show.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

It's Just Business

Success in business is elusive. If you own a restaurant all you have to do is make sure the food is incredible. There should be an hour’s wait. If the product is good it should sell out.

Not that simple.

Some ideas are really great, yet never take off. If the goods and services are excellent, why is growth, profit, or success just average?

Do we look for better systems? Hire a website guy? Buy more ads? Cut costs, find new tactics, read another book?

What’s the problem with the business?

Maybe there is no such thing as a business problem, just people problems manifested in a business.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch

Steamy Dreams

Some of my best ideas come when I’m in the shower. The fogged glass often becomes a whiteboard. What is it about that particular environment that causes creativity? Creativity that seems inaccessible the rest of the day.

As an armchair neuroscientist I see it boiling down to two reasons. Reasons that will apply outside the shower steam.

1. Relaxed: Assuming I paid the gas bill the water temperature is perfect. My breathing is even and I’m calm. I’m comfortable and safe.

2. Present: My mind is not in reaction mode. I’m in a space where a response isn’t needed.

Install this type of space for yourself. A space where you can just be away from reactionary things. Things that require a decision. Things that distract you from your real work… the deep work that helps you make the world a better place.

We all have a space like this. Go there and create daily.

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Craig Kautsch Craig Kautsch


Imagine you want to ramp up the sales in Q2 so you decide to reduce the price. 

People love a good deal so revenue increases.

Mission accomplished.

You’ve increased sales and revenue is up. Was it the right play? When making a decision consider the second-order consequences. Your goal was to make more money. 

You look at your Q2 P&L and revenue is up. It’s up because you chose to reduce the price and the market responded. Your net profit is down from Q1 because of the 2nd order of consequences. 

Your margin took a hit because of the price reduction and you had to hire a couple of new people to handle the volume. 

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