Perpetual Fear
When we are afraid of something, we tend to put it off.
Putting it off comforts us because it “might be” less scary later. So the fear grows and torments our mind. It rarely goes away but instead expands.
Side stepping, deferring, or wishing it away validates the fear in our minds and makes it more scary.
The brave and successful thing to do is take action...because action is the best cure.
Job +
Last year I had a business meeting at a restaurant. Table of seven on a busy day. The server did her job. Explained the menu, filled our glasses, and delivered the food.
It’s what’s expected. There are a million places to eat.
Why did I choose this one? Trust.
I knew I could trust them to think. Think about not just the table and the food, but think about when and how. The server knew when to help and how to give us space. Thinking in the service industry is rare.
When you find a thinker, give them your business.
Money Buys Happiness
It buys happiness everyday for people who are already happy. Money can buy sadness and pain too. It speeds up and enhances. It amplifies who you already are. It buys options. Options are tricky because there are happy ones and sad ones. There are wise ones and foolish ones.
Wanting more money isn’t bad, you just need to understand the options and the consequences. If you have a wandering eye, hiding a mistress becomes an option. Giving more money to your church becomes an option. Taking a cool vacation becomes an option.
Money CAN buy happiness, it just can’t create it.
Inspiration Is For Chumps
Inspiration is elusive.
So we wait, we wait because it feels good to be inspired.
Things come easily. Time stands still and creativity flows. It feels euphoric and seemingly comes out of nowhere. It's worth remembering how you were last inspired.
The next time you get into the zone, rewind a bit. Chances are you weren't “waiting” for creativity to come your way. Action is the lead domino to inspiration. Waiting to be inspired is mostly an excuse.
Get to work and you will notice inspiration weave its way into your next creation.
It turns out our brains make pretty poor warehouses for ideas.
Creating a proper receptacle for our ideas relieves the brain to move on to new ideas. New ideas are useful, especially when paired with your old ones.
Creative brilliance is usually achieved by the pairing. Pairing is easier when they are pulled out of your brain and put on a whiteboard.
Our brains are designed to have ideas not hold them.
A Tip For The Boys
Women want to be validated...
The question is, how do you validate something that seems ridiculous in your eyes?
If she has a deep concern that seems to be an illogical waste of emotion, how do you possibly agree? Agreeing in your eyes means you have to lie to yourself. Deny the truth. Deny logic. Deny the facts. (From your POV)
We don’t want her to be in pain. We want to help her, but agreeing with her seems loco…
Here's my pro tip boys: You don’t need to agree. They want validation not agreement. Validation says, “I hear you, I understand” and “that must be really hard.” Validation addresses her feelings around the topic.
Set aside the topic (even if it’s about you) and validate.
Defending yourself is lazy and will set you back… I checked.
Everyone walks around with a backpack full of bricks…
Bricks that are heavy, but not too heavy. Our backpacks have a brick limit and ideal capacity.
Sometimes a friend has too many bricks that won't fit in their perfectly sized pack. Since the bricks won't fit, we step in to carry the burden for a bit. It's what we do as friends.
Friends will also try to hand you bricks that belong in their pack. They know you'll take them because you're a helper. You’re strong… but maybe you’re weak. Weak because you can’t tell them no.
Helpers say yes, helpers also forget the weight they’re already carrying.
Eventually, the helper resents.
The wise helper says NO to the bricks that aren’t theirs. That way they can carry bricks when others can't.
Consider removing all decisions out of the first hour of your day.
Most of us get fatigued throughout the day. We’re faced with so many options… (Starbucks has 80,000 drinks combinations.)
Positive, quiet, tech-free routines that don’t require a response will preserve your mind. Jumping right into a jungle of choices feels productive. Productive because you’ve put a dent in your inbox, you’ve caught up on the news, you’ve scrolled the feed.
Neuroscience proves the cost is high... Clarity and productivity are far from reactionary.
Running from fire to fire is for firemen. The world needs firemen, and chances are you're not one.
The Big Mo
Losing momentum can be unsettling. Without it, the excitement leaks, attitudes wobble, and fears surface.
Will I ever get it again? Is the ride over? Do I have what it takes to get it back on track? Why do I feel like I’m always climbing?
Imagine a poorly designed roller coaster... You click-clack to the top, chop down, then back to a climb again. But wait… where’s the flow? Where are those fun banking turns that build speed? Climbs are no fun unless there is a payoff.
Step back and look at your roller coaster from the highway. Does it look right? When you bomb a steep section is there a pay off?
Solid hustle will get you momentum, but it will take good design to keep it.
Most of us don't like being convinced.
Convincing is salesy. Salesy because the motive is the sale.
Persuasion is guiding someone down a path they like. A path that makes their life better. Persuasion is an art. It requires attainment, empathy, and story.
It’s worth paying attention when you are being persuaded. You feel like they’re on your side, like they understand. You might not even remember what they said but you do remember how they made you feel.
Selling is noble. Convincing is not.
The world is full of tradeoffs...
Tradeoffs frustrate us because we can’t have it all.
In cycling there are tons of trade offs. One bike doesn't do it all. You’d better get ready to break something if you want to take your 14lb carbon race bike on a mountain bike trail. The hybrid bike on the other hand, CAN do it all. You can take it on the road, cruise the gravel, and bump through the trails.
The problem is, it’s stuck in the average. It’s not fast on the road, and you really can’t rip it on the local trail. “Average” eliminates trade offs.
Building something that does it all forces it into the hybrid category. The hybrid category can only be average. Choosing “average” is safe.
Trade offs require commitment, and commitment requires a decision. A decision to avoid average can separate the good from the great...
We all have our own zone of genius...
If we want to make our mark we must maximize our time in this zone. The demands of reality pull us into areas that are outside our wheelhouse. When our genius is neutralized, our input becomes average.
The key element to staying in the zone is: Delegation.
It’s a tricky motion because it requires trust and clarity. It requires letting go and some training.
When I find myself spending too much time outside the zone, I start my CNN (Craig Not Needed) list. These are items I need to off-load to someone with more talent.
It’s worth finding your own zone so you’re not slowing your impact.
Pair your own “__NN” list with the geniuses around you.
They will be eager to make their mark.
True Value
The value of a product is what it's actually worth, without emotion or expectation from the outside.
High profit margins are never made at this level; the profit is nested in the intrinsic value.
It’s worth noting that intrinsic value is in the eye of the beholder. This is why the psychology of selling is important.
Persuading the buyer that your product is worth more than the money in their hand is a great way to make the world a better place. The good news is there’s a million dollar idea in all of us.
Start testing your ideas until you find it. If it truly improves lives, wealth is nearby.
Go make your mark!
Gravitational Pull
Personal growth is an argument. It disagrees with how things have always been. A new idea, a new lens to see a new angle, or a disruptive set of actions. Our normal patterns of “being” are comfortable. If it’s working, why try to improve, why be open to a better way?
If your current default settings are producing reasonable results, staying put becomes reasonable. If you find yourself in discomfort, consider these two reasons:
1. The default isn’t reasonable anymore and it hurts
2. You’re in the middle of getting a new default
Sometimes circumstances force us into growth mode. Sometimes the pain of your current settings outweigh the pain of growth.
Our default has a gravitational bias towards comfort. A baby step towards growth is finding a tribe that normalizes the discomfort, and is always growing.
Work on Purpose
It feels good when you work hard on something and it pays off.
The sobering moment arrives when you realize the effort it will take to maintain. Are the results worth the continued effort? If it isn’t, leave it or pass it on.
Seasons of hard work are an investment. An investment in something that might be worth maintaining. If you’re looking to make your mark, consider exploring through hard work.
You may stumble upon your purpose.
Hell is Easy
When I see a young business guy hit it out of the park on his first deal, I get a little nervous. The two parts that worry me are:
1. What people say
2. What he believes about what people say
People say all kinds of things. Things that are helpful, neutral, and unhelpful. Generally the intention is to be helpful but the outcome is mostly unhelpful. Unhelpful because the young businessman devours the respect and admiration. Admiration for his “ability” to knock it out of the park…in the first game.
The problem with smooth success is growth happens in adversity not ease. When people celebrate, admire, and marvel at his home run, he might believe his own press. Sometimes I think hell would be a lot like this. Imagine a place of ease. A place where you never feel the pain of the climb. A place with no true joy. If you want it… it’s yours. You don’t have to work to get it, you don’t have to practice, and you never fail. You only win…every game.
The good news is the young businessman will feel the unrelenting heat of adversity…
Eventually he will learn that adversity is required to feel the true joy of accomplishment.
Soul Food
Convenience is a priority for most of us. We’re willing to compromise a variety of internal and external outcomes.
Fast, processed, mass produced, food is not usually good for your body. The drive-thru is convenient. The microwave is quick. It saves time and it’s cheap, two external wins.
A sit down farm to table restaurant takes an hour and costs more money… cooking at home takes energy, focus, and creativity… it’s why McDonald’s sales were 20 billion last year.
Fast - Cheap - Convenient. Most of the sales happen in the middle of the grocery store. The edges of the store require thought. Betty Crocker made it too easy on the consumer sales plummeted with their “just add water” cake mix. Why?
Because they crossed a cultural line. It turns out we want to add an egg. Our egg. We want the satisfaction of feeling like we’re cooking. We want to crack the egg and stir a little.
Is it a rebellion against the machine or is it something in our soul? The soul that knows expending energy, taking a little time, and being creative brings more joy and health to our lives.
Give the edge of the store a chance.
Your soul might like it.
“Done for you” marketing doesn’t pan out most of the time. It’s a little like hiring out your sex life. Allowing someone else to make all the moves, moves that are one size fits all. Moves that were designed to satisfy the average someone.
Marketing is intimate… designed for YOUR someone. Your someone that deserves respect. More respect than an auto-post or template can give.
If you want to satisfy, the connection better come straight from you. Your customer or lover knows the difference.
Making a judgement on someone’s motives is a natural move. Cats meow, dogs bark, and people judge.
As we know, the people who are most sensitive to being judged are often the judgiest. It’s hard wired in us to judge. It keeps us safe. It keeps us from pain but can also cause it. Especially in the emotional realm.
Assuming why they did it is like a slippery boat ramp. Slippery because it perpetuates misunderstanding.
Understanding requires an open stance towards the other. If we’ve predetermined motive without checking in, resentment builds. Resentment builds right into anger. Anger follows us like a hungry dog.
So then what? We “have to” forgive. Forgive an offense that was likely fabricated in our own mind. Hence the old ass-u-me axiom.
Culture 2nd
I think it was Drucker that said culture eats strategy for breakfast. Healthy culture in a business is key for longevity and growth. People don’t really quit their job. They quit their boss… they quit their culture.
Culture is super easy to see when it’s hitting the fan. Pressure to deliver, pressure to win, pressure to solve is in every business. How does the boss react? Does he blame, get irrational, do people run for cover? Since people default to survival and surviving causes people to do irrational things, there must be structure.
Structure is the linchpin to a dependable culture. Healthy structure creates boundaries so we have each other's backs instead of biting them. Letting things get a little messy inside a good structure is healthy. Allowing things to get passionate and tense energizes progress.
A culture that prioritizes harmony over solving behaves like a church youth group… not a business.